Wow what a good dinner and a good night sleep does , feeling rejuvenated and ready to go. I have been looking forward to this ride , specially since only a few has ever done this ride and such a cool place right in the back yard of the hotel .
Mortirone is the destination , basically the hidden gem above Lecco and a dead end town litterly. We have to ride through parts of Lecco to get to this the road leading up to Mortirone and as soon as we leave the lake we start climbing…. but first we have to check out another climb Piano dei Resinelli , also really cool ,,but at this stage of the camp we should probably have skipped this one despite the amazing road and views at the top . We got a little too excited to explore , but worth it at the end . Back down and up towards Mortirone . Hill repeats day. The road to Mortirone is just incredible and I always wonder what this town up there is really about. 1100 m and a bunch of switch back on a ledge overlooking Lecco . A pretty spirited ride and some fun friendly competition on the way up , fun and nothing too long. the tunnel is the finish line and we all re group there. A bit of a ride down into town and a one nice hotel , lunch place … pretty much the only place here with about 10 people living in this hidden town in the mountain not far from civilization , but yet very few people knows anything about this place. The main lady dishes out some meats and cooks up some fresh pasta , a very cool experience and a perfect mid day siesta .
After a big lunch we have to climb our way out of here and then head back down to the main road. A really fun descent and a lot of photo stops. Ok… now we just have to ride back .
Via Culmine San Pietro , an old Giro Route and a very cool road over the pass. Small and narrow roads , some steep sections on both sides , but a spectaculre view . Its just amazing how beautiful this area is and so close where our main hotel is . We make it to our yearly coffee and cake stop in Paghera. A small town on top of Passo Bura . We founds this place many years ago standing outside in the rain looking for shelter . Tulia took us in and we have stopped here ever since every year. Always home baked goods and coffee and a group photo of course.
Big day , but very cool and now just down the 15K hill passed Brembilla and well.. still our drive climb up to Cascina Belvedi . A proper local loop I would rate this ride as. Suffer score another story .
Still nice and the boys are hanging out in the court yard reflecting on the day . A lot to take in and it seems such a long time since we started this journey a week ago. More Casoncelli alla Bergamasca and some Vino Rosso . One more day to go.
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