We are all aware what is going on in Ukraine and in the rest of the world right now, especially in Europe. We are far away, but it is still affecting us greatly right now and it will in the future for sure in many ways.
I am resuming my yearly FinKraft Italy / Giro Cycling Camp again after a 2 year hiatus due to the pandemic. It’s obviously a great privilege to be able to go ride our bikes in Italy and just travel in general at the moment. Everyone values freedom and this a just an example of that and that was taken away from the people in Ukraine.
In collaboration with Mike Magur at Verge we have designed a specific Support Ukraine Cycling Kit for this year’s camp, but it does not end here.
For every kit made and sold to anyone by Verge Sport, 100% of proceeds will be donated to this charity in Poland: Solidarity with Ukraine.
They are well known in Poland and do a huge drive each year to raise money for medical equipment. They have a special fund for humanitarian support for Ukrainian refugees.
The majority of the money stays in Poland to help the 2.5+ million refugees that are in the country but a portion is also sent as humanitarian supplies to Ukraine.
Vergesport is based in Poland and Mike lives/works there with his family. Mike is a longtime friend and supporter of our cycling team, but also many other teams here in the US.
Also a special thanks to Ed Niessen (our Verge representative here in the US) for setting everything up and creating the store for us.
To enter the team store go to this link: Verge Sport. Enter the password FINKRAFTukraine where it says ENTER TEAM STORE PASSWORD. The password is case sensitive and there are no spaces.
Make sure you are logged into your Verge account before you start adding items to your cart! You can login or create an account by hovering over the person icon in the upper right corner of the screen.
Shop as desired and when you’re ready to check out click on the cart icon in the upper right.
Make sure to measure yourself carefully: use the sizing chart for every item before ordering, and be sure that you are using the correct sizing chart for the cut you order—Aero or Fitted cut. Our clothing is “European fit” and definitely runs smaller than most US brands or what you might be familiar with buying retail cycling clothing online or in a bike shop.
Many people may find they need to order 1-2 sizes up from their normal size. Additionally if you like your jersey to be very loose fitting, you may want to order larger than what the sizing chart indicates.
There are no returns on custom clothing so it’s really important customers use the sizing chart before ordering. Customers definitely SHOULD NOT just order the same size they are used to in another company’s sizing.
The store is set to close the evening of Sunday, May 15. Please note it will show as May 16 in the store as our servers are located in Europe.
You have 2 weeks to place the order and support this great cause in a cycling way.
Feel free to forward this to anyone as well—more the better.
Thanks you all and be safe, stay strong and keep riding.
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