Running is a very simple sport , but very beautiful and can be very rewarding if you achieve personal goals and running becomes a life style for you. Believe it or not, running has been part of Roger’s life all his life . Running is a very good type of conditioning and cross training for most sports. Roger also has a lot of experience at a very competitive level of running and he knows what it takes to become a very fast runner .
Running is a tedious sport and technical in many aspects . Precise training loads and mileages for different disciplines and races are key factors when we build your programs. We look very closely at pace and heart rate , timed and specific distance intervals are a big part of our training programs each week and Months . Running economy, technique drills and tolerating higher mileage weeks without injury is very critical as well, but also the correct needed intensity to see progress in athletes are a big part of the puzzle, which is all easier said than done.
Like any other sport communication and feed back between the athlete and coach is the most important thing in a coaching relationship . We have many group runs on trails or road and track workouts that are tailored to anyone , so a great opportunity to meet with Roger and other runners weekly if local.
Nothing happens over night , so patience and consistency is something Roger stresses with every runner he coaches.If you want to succeed you have to commit and be in for the ” long run”
Services Include:
- Communication and program delivery via software
- HRM/Pace and workout data evaluation weekly
- Running specific strength and conditioning training programs
- Nutritional Guidance
- Race prep, pacing and post-race analyses
- Unlimited phone calls and e-mails answered within 24-hours
- Clothing and running shoe guidance
Highly recommended: A Garmin Watch or equivalent device (that is down loadable) to record Heart Rate and Pace . Access to your Garmin Connect data and that you link your running data to Training Peaks.
*3-month minimum required with 30-day cancellation notice appreciated
$175 per month
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