FinKraft Cycling Training Camp 2010 , days before

Hi ,

We finally had to leave the snow castle and after a couple of days of packing got on the road to the Sun or TucSUN ! The trailer and the FinKraft Team car is locked and loaded !Lots of bikes and stuff!!
Sponsor drinks and foods , wheels , Finkraft Camp supplies you name !! We are ready to do some heavy duty training.

We just hit the Arkansas border, my wife is from here , so I have been here a few times before did a few races even back in the day .Too bad we did not have time to stop by Grace Land in Memphis , but I am sure Elvis did not mind. Yes Memphis not Egypt!This is a long drive , about 2500 miles and we only covered 1137 so far so we have to keep moving , well a quick stop at Cracker Barrel for some pancakes !!

Parked next to other Team Busses!
Long boring drive thru Texas , serious head wind and a lot of oil pumps and wind mills.We arrived at Tucson at 6.00 pm , all in one piece and no trouble with really anything ! First night in Days INNNNN , right at the Speedway and RT 10 , nice for a short ride over in the morning to the” Shoot Out “, the world famous group ride !! We get our bikes out of the trailer and get some supermarket dinner and that is pretty much it for that day , very tired after the drive and just need some sleeeep!!!
Early rise and some breakfast and the over to Starbucks for the start of the ride ! The shoot Out is always fast and a lot of fit riders on it , no difference today ! About 150 riders and a lot of East Coasters as well , it was fun and fast , way toooo fast for a ride after sitting in a car for 3 days !
Then off to our Finkraft base Camp , the W. Hidden Canyon! The drive way is like climbing a wall, but we managed to get up there with the trailer , amazing house !After 3 hours of unloading and sorting out the bikes and god knows what , the first clients starts showing up . I go and pick up my wife Kim from the airport and then do some more food shopping , there will be a lot eat’n and riding the next 3 weeks! Still working all night and finally have dinner at about 10.00 pm and we are open for business ! Mark and Lindy from England and Mark G and Pam from New England all went for Mexican and now everybody start to get exited to get on their bikes and do some riding !!
The camp is litterly full and stacked with some awesome rides and various presentations . There is so much work done by Andreas that you could never imagine to secure these sponsors. Endless hours planning things with my wife , such as meals and supplies in addition of securing this incredible house we will be staying in . Billing and book keeping and ‘get er done’ type of stuff, so many thanks to Andreas, Kim, Kyle and all the sponsors involved in this operation FinKraft .
Thanks and keep reading.