Camp update day 7

Saturday , shoot out day! Wrong group , but looks like a Shoot Out !
Scramble to get ready a little earlier this morning , thank god for instant Country Choice Organic oatmeal !

This camp would not run if it was not for this Girl!!

Saddle up and roll down the hills to catch the ride , at least we thought we would ! We see the group, great ! Hum little small for the normal shoot out ??? It was about 25 riders that had missed the actual ride that had left @ 7.00 am and not 7.30 am as we all thought.

No Pictures , it was tooo fast to get the camera out of my pocket !

Oh well, we rode it anyway and there was plenty of action . The pace picked up pretty good after we got on Mission Rd and past the last traffic light , so no different from the real one . The camp boys threw it down and put the hurt on the locals , so it was fun and we all had a good time. We did the shorter version and after getting back to Starbucks we were all laughing about it over coffees ! Get er done , Kip kept saying !
Last day for some guys of the first week, so it was beer and pizza night ! A great ending to a great week !

Now it was time for airport pickups and drop offs again and a new crew stared to trickle in !

Time to do it all over again ,week # 2 ready to go !

Some new guys on the couch !
