We woke up to crystal clear blue skies, but still a chill in the air . Today Mt Lemon was on tap for the first time this week . We had the trailer loaded today , made the logistics much easier and quicker . Our start point was at
Saguro National Park by the Old Spanish Trail. This Park has an amazing 8 mile roller coaster loop , one way traffic , a fun warm up loop before we hit the road to tackle the challenge of the day , the reports were 5 feet of snow at the top with road closures at the 14 mile mark . Lovely -:)

Everybody were riding strong and the group stayed in tact for the most part of the 14 uphill miles . We hit some snow and slush at about 5000 feet , so the roads were wet and we were a little concerned about coming back down ! At the windy point was the end , road closed and plenty of snow ! Mark G’s wife was a trooper and drove up to meet us with some Cokes , snacks and some warm clothes for the ride down . A life saver and appreciated by all of us . The roads were actually almost melted by the time we rolled back down, but a little wet for sure ! It warmed up quickly and the ride back to the park with a couple attacks thrown down and one more loop in the park now in shorts and lighter clothing was a nice way to finish of the day !! 4.15 hours on the bike , not bad !
For me it was on Power Cranks ! A sponsor that seems to have fell thru the cracks . They were supposed to have 2 Rev Master bikes here for the clients to try and get familiarized to the concept of Power Cranks , 3 days into the camp and no sign of the bikes ???
A quick drive back to the Base Camp and change clothes with some R4 recovery and some Wasa supplied lunch goodies and then off to MR Bill Peterson’ Dynamic Feet . They have a facility right in town and we have the Camp here , so what a threat for the FinKraft Training Camp this is !
Little check up with the boys! Bill really knows his stuff and explains everything as he goes along!
As I said before , I wanted to make this camp very Pro like and Bill is the man with with some incredible experience in fitting and foot bed building with ortatics for cyclist and other athletes for about 35 years now . I met Bill 15 years ago and I am still wearing the same ortotics today . The group was amazed with the knowledge ” The Man” has , he works with Pro Teams and goes to their Camps each year . Lance has been his client and now 5 of our first weeks clients are as well, how cool is that !
Some guys will need a little more adjustment than others , but Bill will take care of it , no doubt there!
Thanks Bill, everyone loved the presentation and we at FinKraft really appreciate are honored that we got to introduce Dynamic Feet to our clients , this is the real deal!
A super day top off with and another super dinner , yes lasagna , a camp favorite after tonight for sure and desert prepared by Kim and Pam , Great job ladies ! All the great meals just makes all these rides so much easier . Thanks for the hard work , a corner stone of the camp is the nutrition , I am so glad to have my wife here and make this happen .
Time flies and a quick overview of the day and it is time to hit the hay !! Big day tomorrow , start in Benson and ride to Tombstone ( OK Coral) and then onto Bisbee and back to Benson of course , a nice 100 miler, that is the ride we have on Tap for tomorrow!