I have been way too busy to be able to keep up with my blog lately. Sorry if I left you hanging-:)! The coaching is what my business is all about and my main focus is making sure our clients are getting the best possible service and writing is not my strong point unless you have not noticed, so it is not just the time that is the limiting factor here!
We had a pretty successful spring with several wins with our clients. 2 big cat 4 wins in Battenkill and in Quabbin with Greg D and Eli M. On an armature level these races are big and an early season goal for a lot of riders, so amazing results, congrats to these boys.
Since we came back from our Tucson, AZ camp the training has been going well, but I have not really ramped it up until the last 3-4 weeks, I had a good ride in Quabbin with the big boys and seems like I am getting a little closer to were I left off last year. Right now I am sitting on a plane to AR (Arkansas) to start the Joe Martin stage race tomorrow.
I have done this race in the past, but not since they gained NRC status, so it will be interesting. What I like about it is that they have an elite cat 1 2 separate race from the actual pro race. Same distances, but no trade teams, so when you race alone (just me and myself and the Giant) it makes the playing field more even and we still get to do the full 4 days.
I have only done 5 races so far this year, kind of a plan (race less and train more) this early part of the year. Something that works quite well when you are an older athlete. It is very tempting to race 3-4 times a week in all the local “ training races “ and get the intensity in, but then you just race and recover, not much else is possible or at least not a very productive way of training in my opinion. Do not get me wrong, you need to race for training as well, but do blocks of racing and then recovery and then blocks of training and so forth. Cycles of certain elements in your training are what you want, not the same thing week after week.
I had some success in my racing carrier I guess starting from XC –skiing to cycling, but I always look for new things to get faster such as races (I am trying a few new ones this year), equipment (new Giant TT bike on the way and even a 29er MTB) training methods (secret -:)) I am a big believer if your are not in your comfort zone you will stay more focused and push yourself to new limits.
Well that is it, the plane is about to land and now we just have to hope all the luggage is in one piece and on the same plane as me. I almost rather drive 2 days than fly for 3 hours, if you know what I mean! After lugging a bike box, wheel box, 2 sut cases and a baby car seat thru the aiport , I think maybe I should just become a normal “Family Guy ” start drinking beer and watch Nascar on Sundays .
I will keep you posted on the race progress this weekend and how life is with the cowboys down south.
If your have not booked your trip to the Italy/Giro Camp yet, it is not too late yet. We are not leaving until May 21st -:)!
Thanks for reading again