Memorial weekend is always a big race weekend > there used to be a nice stage race in Lake Placid > Cloudspliter> nowadays if you are not a crit guy , the Hills of Somerset is the only major road race around here. I have done it a few times before and kind of know the course , but this year they shortened it a little and took a couple of hills out ! So the first 50 miles were petty much flat, with some small rollers.
I did not start this race with any big expectations , but you newer know if with little luck and good legs, you could get in a good move and place > oh well not today!! I had good legs > a break went very early ( 10 miles in to the race ) two Empire guys , Creed and King . I thought that was a little early and there was still a lot of good guys in the field , so I figure I would wait until we got to the actual hills . Nobody was that strong and a no big separation accured on any of the hills. I had great legs in the last 20 miles , but after about covering 10 attacks and attacking about 5 times myself , we were at 1K to go!!
I did not think at 41 I would be such a marked man in a pretty strong field with some domestic pro’s and top amatures, but every little break I was in, seeemed like everyone was chasing down eventhough there was 6-7 guys up the road. I did not mind , I felt great and it was very fast, a stretched out field and only about 30-40 guys left , being at the front then is a good sign !!
I race to win every race I start, but I also know racing is the best training I can get , specially in the pro 12 races !
Then after the race off to Chris Facas 40th birthday party with my wife and daughter!! Chris is a great guy, very well conected to the bike industry. He used to work for Accelerade and I still get swag from them thru him. Training and riding as much as I do , I go thru a lot of Gels and Drinks , if I had to pay for all that I think I would be drinking water and be broke by now!! Chris now works for Specialized and has the whole basement full of all kind of cool toys!!
Speaking of cake Sunday is a traditional Nyack group ride for me on Memorial day weekend and no different this year. I brought a few clients with me and next thing you know we are all apart of the crazyness!! Yes crazy ride , in my opinion ! These guys do not value their lives much at all it seems, red lights, crashes and poor bike handling skills> I think I will stick to racing for now!!
Ride was fast and good training. Riding with a few clients in a group setting was very beneficial for all of us > so a good day!! The day was just getting better after the ride > my wife Kim had planned a little birthday party that afternoon and that means “more cake ” . My good friend & business partner Andreas and his wife Monica came over and we fired up the grill!! Andreas is a classy guy and the birthday gift was of the same caliber and Monica baked this killer cake , unbeliveble !! I finally got my Garmin GPS from my wife and daughter> no more getting lost and barely making it to the start of a race !! Thank you , best gift I ever got other than my daughter being born!
Mon ( Memorial Day ) ride with Team FGX. I brought a few other clients with me as well, so a pretty big group . The Orchard was the destination ! When you have this many guys riding together , there is always a little competition going on . No different today , the final miles are uphill to the Orchard, one of my favorite roads around here. Evan Cooper and Alvin both weigh about a 100 lbs and they were throwing it down on this stair stepper. Everybody were scramling to hold on >a nice friendly competition and great training after riding 2 hour endurance pace .
Everybody was winners and the Orchard made some good business on water, Gatorade and cookies> yummy!!
Ride back we took some roads these guy probably never seen , a nice route!! Somewhere along the way a bearded , “earthylooking”guy tags along > nice guy ! All of a sudden somebody is yelling “Crash” sure enough this guy hits something on the road and head first into a bed of multch > definitly got a mouthful there, lucky >nothing broken and only minor scratches just a beard full of dirt!! After getting the dirt out of his teeth we get going again and a couple of miles down the road “Bang” the multch guy’s tire explodes !! It is getting late , I am paying for a baby sitter > I was pretty close to my house so it was time to bail > Juan A and Evan C shepared the FGX boys back to the GW bridge > Nice ride , eventfull for sure, but I think all of the guys enjoyed the ride!
I picked up my daughter and we are off to my friend John L and Amy’s house for a swim and some food and maybe cake! John and Amy are super nice people and live in super nice house with a pool in Ridgewood , my daughter loves their kids and it is fun time for her > the hardest part is to get her to leave and go home !
A few glasses of wine and some great food . Dip my legs in the cool pool water that is a nice recovery from a nice training block and now ready for a few days easy and then get ready for the next weekend > Tour of Connneticut!!
Read about my new TT machine in the next blog and see how fast it goes on Saturday’s TT!
Until next time !