Joe Martin Stage Race

Our very own Emerson Oronte recently finished 4th at the Joe Martin Stage Race in Fayetteville, AR. Emerson has been a FinKraft client for several years now and it’s nice to see his hard work pay off. If you wish to learn more about Emerson and his team, Team Horizon Organic p/b Einstein Brothers Bagels,…

Training for a Marathon–One Step at a Time

Here is a write up from Megan Mitchell–a FinKraft client who recently ran the Ocean Drive Marathon. Here is a short write-up of her experience in the build up to the race and the event itself. For those of you considering running a marathon, feel free to reach out to us here at FinKraft so…

CX Nationals-A Racer’s Story

One of Finkraft’s own, Matt Moore, recently made the trip to Boulder, Colorado to compete in the Masters 60+ category at nationals. As can be expected from such a journey, there was quite a story behind it and we are happy Matt was willing to share his with us. We hope you enjoy it as…

Why I ride my bike – Italy Camp

Hi, It has been a year ago since I posted a blog. A lot of things have happened since . Basically getting back on the bike after the crash was the first step. Then back to racing and dealing with a whole new aspect to racing. First the big question was ; why I am doing…